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Dale Nelson Appears on “The Entertainment Business Podcast”

Dale Nelson recently appeared as a guest on Tisha Morris’ “The Entertainment Business Podcast.” In the episode, “Clearing the Legal Path for Filmmakers,” Dale analyzes the key components of the film clearance process that filmmakers should be aware of to avoid legal roadblocks such as allegations of defamation and copyright infringement.

Dale tells Tisha that the process of film clearance involves ensuring that a film is “legally sound and defensible against any claims that a third party might make in terms of intellectual property infringement or privacy rights – including defamation, false light, right of publicity.” She adds that the category of film – narrative, documentary, or otherwise – impacts the type of clearance a filmmaker would need to obtain. Drawing upon the expertise she gained in her previous in-house roles at Warner Bros., Dale discusses how filmmakers should handle these clearance issues and fair use. 

Tisha and Dale continue to dive into current conversations circulating in the film industry, such as the legal challenges posed by rapidly emerging AI technology. “Because the law is still developing in this area, it’s really hard to give advice,” she explains, “We’ll just have to see how [these lawsuits] play out in the court. The AI companies’ main defense is going to be fair use.”

Listen to the full episode on Spotify.